We offer the only Full-Time MBA in Brazil that meets international quality standards in the training of business leaders. Our program is 100% tuition free and fully taught in English.
Join this session to learn more about COPPEAD and the Full-Time MBA program. This session will include information about the academic requirements for admission, program format, career resources and the admissions process.
Otavio Figueiredo – Vice-Dean Full-Time MBA Program. Ph.D. in Business Administration from COPPEAD, and Master of Sciences from Institute of Mathematics of Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). He is currently adjunct professor at COPPEAD, where the teaches Data Analysis, Quantitative Methods I-II, Marketing Quantitative Research and Econometrics.
Detalhes do evento:
Dia(s): 16 out 2020
Horário: 13h00 - 14h00
Online: https://coppead-ufrj-br.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_L97yhLccSUOqXbjevGrzfA
Sem CategoriasInscrição:
A confirmação da inscrição é de responsabilidade do organizador do evento.
Valor: Gratuito
Período de inscrição: 16/10/2020
Site: https://coppead-ufrj-br.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_L97yhLccSUOqXbjevGrzfA
Instituição responsável: COPPEAD
Email do organizador: comunicacao@coppead.ufrj.br
Telefone de contato: (21) 96983-6602