Bridging the Dark Gap: Discussão interdisciplinar sobre matéria escura

Join us in our 3-day event that seeks to establish a Rio-based local node of interdisciplinary discussion on dark matter. The format will be that of a medium-sized school tuned to the level of Physics and Astronomy graduate students in an effort to reach a wide audience of researchers active in the fields of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, as well as Theoretical and Observational Astrophysics. Advanced undergraduate students are also encouraged to attend.

Mornings will be devoted to a 3-lecture series offered by Isabel Lopes (Universidade de Coimbra), member of the Executive Council for the the LUX-ZEPLIN Collaboration, with a focus on direct detection. To complement, the 3 afternoons will be devoted to 3 crucial aspects of the dark matter search: (1) indirect detection, (2) astrophysical perspective, and (3) “putting it all together”.
Invited Speakers:
Isabel Lopes (Universidade de Coimbra)
Aion Viana (IFSC/USP)
Diego Torres Machado (IF/UFRJ)
Karín Menéndez-Delmestre (Valongo/UFRJ; co-chair)
Thiago Guerreiro (PUC/Rio)
Thiago Signorini Gonçalves (Valongo/UFRJ; co-chair)

Detalhes do evento:

Dia(s): 28 maio 2018 - 30 maio 2018
Horário: 09h00 - 17h00

Local: Salão Nobre, CCMN/UFRJ
Av. Athos da Silveira Ramos, 149 - Ilha do Fundão, Rio de Janeiro, RJ


Sem Categorias


A confirmação da inscrição é de responsabilidade do organizador do evento.

Valor: Gratuito
Período de inscrição: 28/05/2018
Instituição responsável: Observatório do Valongo, UFRJ
Email do organizador:
Telefone de contato: (21) 22630-685