Topological derivative method: theory and applications

O IF-UFRJ convida para o seminário de Antônio Novotny intitulado Topological derivative method: theory and applications no dia 30/03/2023 (quinta) às 11h na sala CT A432.

Resumo: The topological derivative is defined as the first term (correction) of the asymptotic expansion of a given shape functional with respect to a small parameter that measures the size of singular domain perturbations, such as holes, inclusions, source-terms and cracks (Novotny & Sokolowski, 2013). This relatively new concept has applications in many different fields such as shape and topology optimization, inverse problems, image processing, multi-scale material design and mechanical modeling including damage and fracture evolution phenomena. In this talk the topological derivative method is presented, together with a portfolio of applications in the context of topology design optimization of electromagnetic devices.

A.A. Novotny and J. Sokolowski. Topological Derivatives in Shape Optimization. Interaction of Mechanics and Mathematics Series. Springer, 2013.

Detalhes do evento:

Dia(s): 30 mar 2023
Horário: 11h00 - 12h30

Local: Instituto de Física (IF/UFRJ)
Av. Athos da Silveira Ramos, 149 - Centro de Tecnologia - Bloco A, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 21941-909, Cidade Universitária


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Valor: Gratuito
Período de inscrição: Não é necessária inscrição
Instituição responsável: Instituto de Física (IF/UFRJ)
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